Tuesday, July 6, 2010

News. . .

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July holiday.
The great news today is that Erinn, Rich and Tommy are expecting a baby Girl in December! Congratulations to you all! Love and hugs to you, too!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Post-Father's Day...

I think he had a terrific Father's Day!!! I love this man. Happy Father's Day Daddy -- the newest member of the Old Hickory Country Club.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Check out my bumper crop of strawberries. This is my first attempt at growing them so I'm pretty excited. They are so cute I could just eat them up!! Cereal anyone?

Happy Father's Day to all the cool dads out there. One of the very best lives at 701!!! Love you my daddy!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hello Friends

Is it June or August? The hot weather says August......

Dad's been keeping busy taking care of the beloved cats.

One picture is of the gold ones he calls the "bookends". They are Goldie and Keystone. The black magic cat is Odie and then the "precious one" is Maizie.

Dad played golf yesterday (9 holes) with his brother, Lamar. He was exhausted when he got home, but he had a great time....a couple beers later he was revived!

Mom's never very far away from every thought -- knowing she's there is a comfort.

Monday, May 31, 2010


Not a day passes without a thought (many) and prayer for Mother and all of us who have been left behind. It has been extremely hard knowing the "moving on" process for Daddy is the most difficult because words over the phone cannot heal his loss. It is helpful to know that Patti and others are there to support and console him and each other. It seems the healing process is about moments of remembering good thoughts, laughter in the day, talking and realizing that Mother's presence is still with us.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A day at a time without Mom. . .

We're beyond the 2 week mark since Mom's passing and we are hanging in there. I am so proud of Dad -- although his heart is broken and he is somewhat lost, he pushes himself each day. He has taken walks at the Mall and Wallyworld (our newest super Walmart). Yesterday, Dad ventured to the driving range at Pebble Brook Golf Course and said it was a "good break from reality." He also telephoned a few friends to let them know he's ready for conversation. Mom would be pleased.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I've missed posting and keeping up with the blog. If anybody is still out there.............HI, I've missed you. Teri

Friday, May 14, 2010

we will continue on...

It's been a week since dear Mom left us to live with Jesus. We have been winding down by someone leaving each day rather than all at the same time. Vonnie was the last to leave out this morning, flying back home to Florida. I returned to work, and Dad's home with the cats and Mom's memories (and Krystal's for lunch).

Oh, and Teri turned 60 yesterday. Happy Birthday sister... I love you.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

THE END of mom's life her on earth......THE BEGINNING of mom's eternal life with God the Father, the angels, and all the saints in heaven.
Mom passed peacefully into the next life this evening with Dad, Patti, and Teri at her side. She left this world with people who loved her lifting her up to those who love her even more.
Momma we love you.............Amen.
Motho has such a strong will to live and made it through another long night. It is still a comforting feeling to know that Motho is still with us and her presence is what gives us strength. That is why this day comes with mixed emotions to want to let go or keep holding on.
We all know that the angels are on constant watch by her bedside to care for her and keep her comfortable. The Grandest Angel of all has been Patti through this very difficult time. We will never ever be able to express our gratitude for the loving and caring that she has provided Motho and the comfort that she has given Daddy through this hard journey. For all you have done Patti, we say Thank you and We Love You.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mom is in the transitional stage of her end of life. Angel-nurse, Diane, said this morning that her passing could come at any time. The best is yet to come for our wonderful mom but, at the same time, the worst is yet to come for her family. Knowing your prayers are comforting us is a blessing I never truly understood until now. Love and peacefulness surround us. Thank you, friends!
Ronnie came in from Texas yesterday and plans to stay and be with her (and us). Good for him--a great son and brother. I spent the night at the folks last night. I'm home to clean up and get a few things and will spend the night there again. It just seems like the right place to be--and the place I want to be.

Monday, May 3, 2010

It is with heavy hearts that we realize that Mom's condition is so very grave and that she has reached the transitional stage from life to death. We know we are nearing the end.

Mom was still pretty aware on Friday and I told that I had a vision of all our family and friends that were holding her up in prayer, that I pictured all of us together physically raising Mom up and she was going higher and higher, and the cancer was dropping, the diabetes was dropping, her heart disease and other ailments were leaving her body and that she looked above and saw the huge arms of God reaching down to take her.

Mom opened her eyes, looked at me and said "that's a good story."

We love you, Mom.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Patti wrote at the beginning of the week and I'll close it out. Mom continues to decline but still refuses to give in to this thing. She's been sleeping alot and, when she is awake, she is very weak. Don't get me wrong, she still has her sense of humor and throws out a zinger now and then. We continue to laugh and smile with her.
Her appetite is gone--just a bite or two now and then. Dad brought her a couple donuts holes with some coffee this morning. When nurse, Diane, was with her this afternoon mom commented that they weren't Krispy Kreme. The woman knows what she likes! There WILL be Krispy Kremes when I go over there tomorrow.
Wilson came in for a few days and was able to visit with her. She's been waiting for him. He said she dozed whil he was with her but I think, even in sleep, she hears our voices and it makes her happy.
Continue in prayer. Happy week-end to all. T